Welcome to Mercenary Studio, where the wargamer, roleplayer & collector can buy pre-painted miniatures. Have a look around and thanks for stopping by.


Trading Section
This section is for all the items that I am looking for. I am willing to trade anything on this site for anything on the list below. (or if you are looking for something else, I might have it or could get it or I might be willing to buy it from you)
Please feel free to contact me with an offer

Drantakh - I will take any and all Drantakh from Regiment Games
Reaper 50013 Chronoscope Willy Brassbender Dwarf Gunner
Judge Dredd ministures from Mongoose (any & all)
1/48 21st Century toys - Planes or tanksReaper Pathefinder Hook Mountain Ogres or Troll
Reaper Nova Corp or Sligg stuff
40mm Dark Ages, Fantasy, Ancients or anything useable in that period
Hunter Killer Terminator toy + 7-11 Bike toy
Metal Orc & Goblin Giant (the lumpy,short one)
Maidenhead Miniatures - Barbarian chicks, Sabertooth riders, Chariot, Woolly Rhino
Forge World Giant Spined Chaos Beast
Chaos Warriors box
Dark Elf Assassin (newer standing upright w/two blades)
Copplestone Castings -Most Future Wars stuff, mainly Neo-Soviets
40K Setinels, Guard vehicles, Rough Riders
40K Chaos Juggernaught (old square metal one)
Old Glory 2'x2' terrain tables or GWs realm board sections
28mm Moderns
1/48 WWII tanks American, British or German
Imperial Guard Storm Troopers Riflemen x3 (not Kasrkins)
GF9 Cryx Mining Rig Terrain
GW Black Orc box, plastic
GW Marine Scouts
GW Tau - Warriors or Stealth suits, vespid
WWII Japanese or Marines (TAG or other comparable brand)
WWII Company B vehicles (or other comparable brand) for Pacific theatre
Undead Samurai from Clan War
Adeptus Arbites (any, mainly need older one piece guys)
40K Steel Legion
40K Daemons of any types
Tomb Kings Bone Giant
Shadow Forge - Dark Temple stuff
West Winds Dwarf Wars Orcs or Goblins
West Winds Lucifers War Scions of Woe or Abominations
West Winds Gothic Horrors / Vampire Wars stuff (mainly any wheeled vehicles)
Secerts of the Third Reich Germans or Americans
Dust Tactics stuff
Terrain fron Rackham - army box walls or ruins
AT-43 Terrain - any and all, need cargo containers (will take MTH trains cargo conatiners also)
AT-43 Oni stuff, mainly Vehicles
AT-43 Elysian Crystals (or Armorcast)
Ral Partha Giant Rat DF-106
Old Crow vehicles
Space Marine Codex
Dark Angel Codex
Tau Codex
Imperial Guard Codex
Or possibly Airsoft guns/equipment(Multi-camo)(M4 or G36 families)